Training is provided by more than 120 solutions specialists, either on your premises, remotely with customized programs, or at one of Lectra’s worldwide training centers. Training enables you to start using your Lectra software or equipment quickly and to get the best out of it. Our consultants have on average more than 10 years’ experience in your business sectors and in these technologies, enabling them to intervene at every stage in the consulting process, from the initial audit to project implementation. Our team of business consultants helps you to define your investment priorities and prepare an action plan to accelerate time to market, cut costs, eliminate unnecessary tasks, and improve communication flows. Lectra’s consulting services help you identify challenges for your business and define areas for improvement in order to optimize your processes and reduce the time to market of your products.

Lectra also offers a range of services tailored to your business. Drawing on a wealth of practical experience, Pattern cutting for clothing using CAD is an indispensable, practical and user-friendly guide to making the most of Lectra's Modaris software for both students and professionals in textiles and fashion.Each new version of Lectra Diamino V6R3 is the result of close collaboration between Lectra and its customers and helps improve the performance of your design department and cutting room. Creating size ranges and the importance of measurements and size charts are discussed, before the book concludes with an indispensable 'How do I?' guide to the Lectra Modaris functions and menus, indexed by required action. Title blocks and all aspects of digitising a clothing pattern are examined in clear, concise steps, followed by a thorough guide to the Lectra Modaris toolbox and the upper and lower toolbar menus. Beginning with an overview of the role of patterns in clothing manufacture, the key documents and tools of the trade are discussed before the keyboard, mouse and screen layout in Lectra Modaris are introduced. Using a practical approach and clear examples throughout, Pattern cutting for clothing using CAD is an essential guide for all users of Lectra Modaris.

Lectra's Modaris pattern cutting software is a key tool in pattern production. The invention of computer aided design (CAD) has revolutionised pattern cutting for clothing.